Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Water Facts of Life

Did you know the water facts of life?

The koala doesn’t drink water because the eucalyptus leaves given it enough water. The koala’s shelter is the eucalyptus tree. The trees give them their shelter from their leaves and branches.

Kangaroo rats are masters of desert survival. They drink little to no water at all but survive almost entirely on water metabolized from seeds eaten.

A giraffe can walk longer than a camel without water. That’s because the acacia leaves they eat are very moist. Also giraffes try to conserve their energy so they don’t often feel thirsty.

An elephant can smell water 3 miles away. When elephants drink, they can suck as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of water into their trunk at a time.

The walking catfish found in Southern Asia possesses a breathing organ to breathe atmospheric oxygen and can “walk” on land for long distances while the mangrove killifish, found in North and South America, can alter the way it breathes and often spends several months of every year out of the water to live in trees.


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